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- Your Biggest Competition Is Yourself
Your Biggest Competition Is Yourself
How to Overcome Your Own Worst Enemy and Bring Prosperity and Abundance
As the saying goes “you are your own worst enemy.”
It is a blind spot. Your mind is always focused on activity–working, paying bills, taking care of your family– rather than discovering what is wrong with your thinking. What is hidden in your conscious and subconscious minds that sabotage your life?
How You’re Sabotaging Yourself
Do you dive deep into depression, have negative thoughts about yourself and others, or become jealous of your ‘competitors’ in the same field and who are more successful?
Then take a look at how the other guy operates.
What is their secret?
What do they know that you don’t?
Why don’t you like them?
Why are you fearful?
Now, look at how you spend the day.
What makes you angry, jealous, and unhappy?
If the other guy appears to be successful, and continues to grow and provide great services to customers; gain more and more followers on social media; or get publishing opportunities, then realize that they are doing what is necessary to reap these rewards and you are not.
You realize they are making a positive impression on the general public. Is it because they are bigger, have more cash, or have more customers?
No. It is because they use the right tools to manifest these things.
They do not spend time intent on crushing their competition, but instead, they focus on the positive actions they can take by helping customers, creating an interesting and engaging community, and paying employees generous wages and benefits.
Their intention is never to squash someone else in the same field, which would create negativity within their employees and the public. Their intent is to walk their own path and do it in the positive and joyous way possible.
Consider this: Even though you may think they are intent on taking you out of business (and this is sure to be an ego-buster) they might not even know you exist!
What Are They Doing Right?
They stay in their lane of success and don’t look to the left, to the right, or behind. They stay true to their vision, their good business principles, and their customer service-oriented style.
How Thoughts Impact the World
Life tells us we are all interconnected. So it makes sense that what we do affects not only us but the rest of the world also. If you wiggle a finger, that vibration goes out into the universe.
That is a jaw-dropping thought.
It is also a wake-up call.
If you are struggling to manifest prosperity in your life, change your mindset. Your thoughts affect you and your life and those around you, all the way around the world. Your biggest competition is yourself–your thoughts of isolation, jealousy of the other guy, and not understanding that you are part of the whole.
But the good news is you can also be your own savior.
Steps to Improve Your Mindset and Bring Prosperity
Give up the idea of isolation and competing with the rest of the world.
Realize you are not alone on this planet and that you NEED other people to help you fulfill your dreams.
Get off the cycle of self-pity and frustration and begin to look for hidden partnerships in your life, such as joining service clubs, volunteering and meeting new people, and study.
Practice being in the now. This is a state of mind that lets you exist right now without always projecting the future, or reliving the past.
Relax and let your mind settle. Realize that the subconscious mind is always feeding back to you hidden thoughts.
Make an affirmation that from now on you will reverse negative thoughts with positive replacement thoughts.
Direct your subconscious mind to reflect back to you the thoughts of success and well-being for you and your family.
Visualize what success means to you. Perhaps your business filled with happy customers. Or you see your follower count increasing and sponsorships. Or seeing your name published in a research journal.
Realize there is no competition in the Universe, only different ways of being successful.
See yourself as successful and happy, at all times.
With Wisdom Comes Success
Competition is a word you should throw out of your vocabulary. There is no such thing in the Universe because it takes every molecule of every part of everyone to be a whole.
In fact, the Universe could not exist without you.