The Power of Brainwaves and Vibrations

What if you could permanently live in a higher vibration that attracts an abundance of wealth, health, and love into your life daily?

Where do vibrations come from? How often have you heard, “He has bad vibes.” “She has good vibes.” Sure, you know that means they are either nice to be around or not. But did you know that your vibes are a powerful force that can attract or push away the abundance of wealth, health and love you are seeking?

Vibrations are not just about being moody or not, they are a secret force within yourself right now that you can harness and use the way you want to.

Understanding the Vibe

What are vibes, anyway? You generate vibes yourself, from your brain activity, or brain waves. And each day your brain works endlessly to send out to the world your powerful positive vibrations, or your equally powerful negative vibrations.

Think about this: You are the creator of your brain waves and thus your vibrations!

You may be astounded to learn that your vibrations are creating your life for you, every day!

  • Is an abundance of prosperity coming your way every day?

  • Are you manifesting good health every day?

  • Building your wealth portfolio by thinking smarter, not working harder?

Once you understand vibrations, you suddenly awaken to an entirely new world of possibilities! Your positive vibes are what attract the abundance that you want in your life! Your negative vibes push it away!

Brainwaves and Vibrations

Inside the mysterious, all-powerful brain is an infinite array and variety of electrical activity. Scientists know that this activity can be measured in frequency! This is the number of waves per second plus the height of the waves in microvolts.

Brainwaves are at work in your brain every day, and scientists can measure them using EEGs and other tests that reveal what your brain is doing. These are some of the measurable brainwaves and what they do for you:

  • Delta: Subjective feeling states: deep, dreamless sleep, non-REM sleep, trance, unconscious. Lethargic, not moving, not attentive.

  • Theta: Subjective feeling states: intuitive, creative, recall, fantasy, imagery, creative, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsy; “oneness”, “knowing”, creative, and intuitive; but may also be distracted, and unfocused.

  • Alpha: Subjective feeling states: relaxed, not agitated, but not drowsy; tranquil, conscious. Meditation, no action, relaxed, healing.

  • Low Beta: Subjective feeling states: relaxed yet focused, integrated, inhibited by motion.

  • Mid Beta: Subjective feeling states: thinking, aware of self & surroundings, mental activity. Physiological correlates: alert, active, but not agitated

  • High Beta: Subjective feeling states: alertness, agitation
    Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity, e.g. math, planning, general activation of mind & body functions.

So, while it is important to know there are various brainwaves functioning at various times of the day and night, we can only know which they are when we know the effects, such as what we are doing.

Bottom line: We want to know how to control our brainwaves. When we do, we control our vibrations. When we do that, we control what we attract to us or push away from us.

Sound easy? It is!

How Do You Control Brain Waves?

With the use of self-help techniques such as meditation, self-hypnosis, affirmations, brainwave technology, visualization, practicing good eating habits, and surrounding ourselves with people who do the same things. But most importantly, we use the powers of imagination and creativity to put good vibrations into the world and attract an abundance of wealth into our lives.

Exercise: Vibrate It Into Being

Step #1: In this exercise, sit in a quiet place, practice breathing in, vibrate your entire body, hold, exhale. Repeat four times. Each breath resonates with energy that vibrates throughout your body. Now repeat breathing in and out, and this time imagine that you breathe in clean, fresh air that circulates throughout your body and as you exhale, all the impurities are released from your body. This leaves you in a receptive state of mind.

Step #2: Now that your body is relaxed and you are receptive, focus your attention at the point between your eyebrows, and visualize an incredible, shimmering ball of white light. You know this light to be powerful. It generates powerful brainwaves that produce healing vibrations through your body.

Step #3: Now feel a healing vibration of light slowly floating through your brain, connecting all the powerful pathways, and the vibrations of health and wealth flow down your neck, then your torso, and then legs. Feel them vibrating with shimmering light as the light flows down your entire body.

Step #4: In your brain, you now see that the brainwaves producing the positive vibrations are all healthy, productive, and ready to serve you.

Be mindful that your brainwaves are working for you, and they are receptive to your desires for abundance. They produce positive vibrations for you so that you can attract whatever you desire to help yourself, your family, and others.

Practice the secret power of brainwaves and vibrations daily for an abundance of wealth and health in your life!

And stick around for the upcoming Stellar U series that covers brainwaves and their role in manifestation in greater depth.

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