Manifesting the Choice of Good Health

Enhance Your Fitness Journey With Manifestation

The following is a beautiful visualization, a journey of choices. Read it and feel it using your imagination.

We know that in order to be healthy, we need to choose good food. This exercise will help you to be more aware of your choices. After a few sessions, you will be able to do this visualization without reading it.

Visualization for Health and Weight Loss

I find myself inside a grocery store, looking at two aisles of food. I see the sign telling me that one aisle contains chips, cookies, candy and many other high-calorie foods. I see the sign telling me the other aisle contains fruits and vegetables. I know this is a choice I need to make right now. I know many people also have to make these choices.

But right now, there is no one else shopping but me, and I can think about this, and understand that it is me, and me alone, who can make this choice of the moment. I am comfortable with this. I enjoy the fact that I am in control of my choices. This is a great feeling and I can already see the benefits in my life. I know that this is going to be a very positive and happy experience for me.

I look down the aisle containing many of my favorite foods. There are potato chips and corn chips of many shapes and flavors. I see candy. I see all sorts of snacks. I also know that these kinds of foods are going to always be in the grocery store for me to buy. There is always a supply of those foods, but I know I can choose if or when I might want to choose those foods in the future.

I know I can wait. 

I look down the aisle containing fruits and vegetables, and I see strawberries and bananas and other fruits in many colors of reds, blues, yellows, oranges. They look mouth-watering and fresh and appealing. I see all kinds of green vegetables, fresh and tantalizing, and full of nourishing nutrients. I see red and golden apples, crispy and juicy looking, and I see blueberries and fresh raspberries. I see, in fact, so much scrumptious food it dazzles my eyes.

I choose now.

I choose the aisle of healthy food. I pick some food and take it to the self-checkout, and I purchase it and take it outside.

As I go outdoors, I see just a short distance away a beautiful park with a shimmering lake and trails winding all around it. I see a bench up ahead and I go and sit on it and take out some of my new food.

I eat a few pieces of it, and I am so happy. Before long I feel full and satisfied. As I eat, I wait a few seconds for the food to reach my stomach so that a signal can be sent to my brain that I am eating, and my stomach is starting to feel satisfied.

After I have eaten a healthy portion of food, I am sure to wait for this signal to tell my brain that my stomach is full. The food was so nutritious I did not have to overeat to feel satisfied. Suddenly, I know that from now on I will choose healthy and nutritious food, and I will no longer overeat because I will always wait for the signal of fullness to reach my brain.

I think about being outdoors, in nature, here, sitting in front of this beautiful, serene lake. The sun’s light is sparkling like diamonds on the lake, and the spring air is just slightly on the cool side. A gentle rain shower passed by earlier, and now the sun peeks through a cloud and warms my face. There are birds swimming in the lake and chattering in the trees. It is so peaceful.

Now I am walking around the lake on this trail. It is clean and beautiful. It is circling around the crystal-clear lake. There are ducks in the water and cattails along the shore. It is so beautiful, and I feel happy to be here. There are gorgeous trees of every kind here. There are tall pine trees with a fresh and clean scent. I think about how you cannot get that scent in a can. This pine smell is real. It is fresh. It wraps me up in nature.

Now, I continue on my journey of choices. I contemplate my actions of choosing healthy food. And now, I understand that it is me, and me alone, who can choose my food. From now on, I am going to make the correct choices each and every day of all the healthy foods from which I can choose.

I will make sure that I have healthy meals of nutritious and colorful food each and every day. It is easy to do. I no longer need foods that are not good for me. I don’t need those foods.

And now, I am projecting that when I go out to eat, I imagine and feel it is just as easy as eating at home, because there is ALWAYS something on the menu which will work for me. I am creative at what works for me.

I contemplate and remind myself that now I am mindful to wait a few seconds between bites for the food to reach my stomach. As I digest food, my stomach will begin to send signals to my brain that I am getting full. After a couple of minutes, my brain receives a signal that my stomach is full and I do not need more food. At this point, I have eaten the correct portion of calories for what my body needs at this point.

Now that I understand my states of consciousness, I release negative thoughts and emotions about my weight or about my eating habits. I release these old patterns of eating that were not healthy for me.

I imagine and feel very healthy because I choose only healthy foods and proper portions for my body. This makes me happy. Now, I relax, and feel happy.

As I walk around the lake I think about what a wonderful experience this is, and one that I can give myself time and again. It is amazingly beautiful. The air and the lake and the trees are even more brilliant and vibrant than before.

I feel very relaxed and happy.

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