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- Living in the Now
Living in the Now
A Visualization Exercise to Stop Focusing on Bad Memories and Live in the Present
We know the past does not exist in the Now. How could it? So why do we relive painful memories over and over and hurt ourselves in this way? The subconscious mind is like a record that plays movies back to us when we allow it to do so. The past may contain failures or wounds that won’t let go. But do you wonder what it would feel like if you did not think or worry about the past, but just felt good right now? Right this very second, you can take a few minutes to feel good. Give yourself permission for just a few minutes, and see how it feels.
Live in the Now: Exercise to Embrace the Present
I imagine and feel I am right now at the beginning of my future. I wonder what I would feel like if I could realize that truly this is the first moment of the rest of my life? What if I could just take off from here and start fresh?
I can actually take a few minutes right this moment to see how it feels to be at the very beginning of the rest of my life. I imagine and feel and experience the Now. I can understand the concept that in reality the future does not exist yet, and the past does not exist except as memories, so Now is the only true moment in time of existence.
I embrace the Now fully and completely and use my imagination to project the future I desire. I practice sitting and enjoying each and every second of my existence.
I release the past. I release the present. I wonder how I would feel if I could release all the past, the people, the events that have hurt? I wonder if I could do that, then how would I feel right now, in the present?
I am fully aware now of each and every moment of my life. I wonder how it would feel if I could just live in the now all the time.
I know I can change my state of consciousness to succeed in my goals. I wonder how it would feel to be positive instead of negative.
I change my state of consciousness to be positive, and I am eager to embrace living in the now. I wonder how I would feel to be eager for new experiences.
I imagine I am happy. Imagination is a tool for me to use right now and I feel happy to be in the now.
Working Smarter in the Now
In studying how people manage to cope with life, there was an old saying that went something like this: Work smarter, not harder. What does working smarter mean in your daily life? What does working harder mean to you?
Tuning into the news several times a day is working harder because it interrupts your creative trains of thought and often can cause anxiety or stress. The news is mainly negative, desperate, ugly, and horrific. It takes longer to get your energy level back up to continue working on your creative or work projects.
It takes you out of the Now state of consciousness and into past or future event time frames. This triggers your subconscious respond negatively, impacting your state of mind. This is adversarial to your productivity. You are placing yourself in a victim state of consciousness, even though it may not be affecting you first-hand, the subconscious mind gets the signals and emotions from you.
Working smarter in the Now is understanding that the external world will go on forever, that catastrophes happen all over the world, that for the most part they are out of your control. Working smarter allows you extra time to do deep breathing exercises and affirmations, instead of useless minutes or hours surfing the web looking at things you can do nothing about. Working smarter is keeping your consciousness in the state of now.
Working smarter in the now means clearing your mind with a 5 minute silent meditation, another 5 minute affirmation visualization, and another 5 minutes of gratitude therapy. This is only 15 minutes.
Try it and experience how only 15 minutes of a busy day can help you stay grounded and centered, and importantly, better able to practice the presence of now.
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