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- A Closet Full of Clothes and nothing to Wear
A Closet Full of Clothes and nothing to Wear
Do you want to work until you are worn down and out for more abundance to come into your life? Or do you want to open the secret door of gratitude?
You’ve heard this saying before, you’ve said this saying before, and you’ve laughed at this saying before. Most people would be overjoyed to have abundance flowing to them daily and automatically. So let’s take a look at “A closet full of clothes, and nothing to wear,” to understand the underlying principles of abundance.
The Role of Gratitude in Mindfulness and Abundance
Did you know that we often block future opportunities to manifest in our lives by not being grateful for what we already have? Opening the door of more abundance requires being aware of the good things in our lives at the present moment, even down to the smallest shoelace. Simplifying the mystifying is what makes this work for you.
This is a simple state of mind that everyone can do. Practice it daily and you will be quite amazed at the results. People who practice this daily habit will testify that the practice of gratitude therapy changed their minds, their emotions and their lives, ensuring that abundance flows freely to them through the open door of their gratitude each and every day.
Gratitude is the foundation of success. We build on this foundation by adding other mental disciplines as needed, such as sharpening our tools of imagination, intuition, and positive thinking using affirmations.
A tried and true regime of gratitude therapy unlocks the universe.
Why is this the case? You have heard the expression, “We are not alone.” Or “No man is an island.” We are literally not alone because we are on this planet with billions of people. When we operate in the world as if we are the ones who manifest our wealth, as if we are the only one that counts, as if we and our efforts alone have brought to us the good we have in our lives, then we close the door to the very forces that can bring us more good.
When we buy new clothes, do we stop and say our gratitude affirmations? Or do we rush with our daily lives to work and take care of household duties, and it never enters our mind to be grateful?
This oversight closes the door for more good to come into our lives. Gratitude therapy is the easiest of all affirmations for a more fulfilling life, and sometimes gratitude is the fastest way to abundance. When we realize that we are not alone in the world, and that the universe is willing to send to us an overabundance of goodness every day, then it will do so as long as we keep the secret door of gratitude wide open.
Gratitude Affirmations for Success
Practice the following affirmations for more success than ever before in your life. For everything good and awesome in your life right now, take a few seconds and say affirmations that apply to you, either silently or out loud, or both.
I am mindfully grateful every day for the many blessings in my life.
I imagine and feel how blessed I am.
I am grateful for things and situations I have in the past taken for granted.
I am grateful for the air I breathe, the clothes I wear, the ground on which I walk, the chair on which I sit, the eyes I am using right now with which to read, and all of the healthy parts of my body I now enjoy and use.
I am mindfully grateful each and every day.
I imagine and feel so very grateful for my life itself.
I am grateful for everything, large and small, in my life.
I am grateful for all the healthy food I enjoy.
I am grateful to have a positive state of mind.
I am grateful for all of my friends and loved ones.
I am grateful for my good health.
I am grateful for my home.
I am grateful for my loving friendship with __________.
I am grateful for my computer.
I am grateful that I have nice clothes to wear.
I am grateful for my friends
I am grateful for my shoes.
I am grateful for my job.
I am grateful that I have a nice chair where I can do my work.
I am grateful for the food in my refrigerator.
The idea here is to wake up, look around, and be grateful for everything good in your life. If it sounds simplistic to affirm you are grateful for your shoes, take a second thought about this. We all understand the thousands of people in the world who may not have even the simple basics, such as shoes. Or clean water. Or decent clothes to wear. So be grateful if you do. If you do not have some of these things, then be grateful for anything of good, no matter how small. Start with where you are.
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